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Reference Library
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Sferra, Nancy, Director of Stewardship and Ecological Management at The Nature Conservancy, ME. Interviewed by Lena Champlin. November 17, 2016
Simmons, Tim, Retired Restoration Ecologist at the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Interviewed by Lena Champlin. December 14, 2016
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Additional Information
Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) Wildland Fire in Ecosystems Effects of Fire on Soil and Water Mowing Sandplain Grassland Restoration Begins Grazing Nantucket Conservation Foundation The Northeast Upland Habitat Technical Committee Vegetation Removal |
Agriculture and Land Use Trends
Farm to Institution New England Mass Audubon Losing Ground Report Species Invasions Southern Pine Beatle (NJ) Southern Pine Beatle (NY) Trophic Interactions Deer Populations (NY) Deer Populations (MA) |